Holy crap - where did this month go??? I just knew I was going to get caught up on my February sewing last week and then wham ~ I woke up with a fever and I've been trying to shake this thing ever since! There's been a lot of lying around catching up on Mad Men. I'm just getting my voice back, which has been fun. I do think that when I talk around the house, my family should hear my poor tortured sound and instantly listen attentively and insist on serving me tea and treats, but whaddya gonna do?
Anyway, tonight I am squeaking by the finish line with my son's ninja quilt! It's 11pm so I had to go down and knock my son out of his bed for a picture. I don't think he woke up enough to mind too much. It's been quilted for a couple of weeks, but I still needed to bind it and now it's all done! Well, it's not trimmed at all, or washed, but it's all sewn up so I'm linking up!
fuzzy, furry backside |