Hey stranger!
Boy, I've caught a lot of blog posts recently by people expressing their difficulty in finding time to write. It's so easy to post to instagram and move on! I've been sewing a bit & traveling a bit & planning projects these last few months and haven't made myself sit here and catch up - and the longer you wait, the harder it is!
I think I'm addicted to paper piecing .. at least to searching for beginner patterns and printing them. I have quite a stack going and it's hard to narrow down what to work on next!
Last night I found this free pattern called
Confetti Star. I think it will be fun to work on it as I have time and build it into something rainbowy. I pulled out 3 baskets worth of scraps and realized that I am keeping way too many!
Realistically, I will never work with tiny pieces so I started throwing them out and what a great feeling!
Now I just need my son to come and empty my can so I won't be tempted to dig anything (else) out and keep it.
Anyway, back to paper piecing: I found a really cool (and also free) pattern called
Graceful Dancer a couple of weeks ago and had it in mind to turn it into something for my daughter.
Happily, it worked out well as a front panel for the messenger bag I needed to make as part of my Finish Along 2015 goals! As I was multi-tasking and actually testing a pattern for the famous
Katy of The Littlest Thistle, I can't show the whole thing yet, but it has already made it's first journey and received lots of compliments! Here's a little sneak peek. & the pattern will be released in early April.