I'm making twin quilts for my 2 oldest sons. Considering the date, I know there's no way I'll be finished in time for Christmas. So.. they're getting their quilt tops for Christmas and after they're unwrapped and admired on Christmas morning, I will promptly snatch them back and finish em up later. I wish this was the first time my children had received the promise, preview or picture of a gift, heh heh.
Anyhow, on to the purpose of this post. I've been collecting African fabrics & charms for a few years with no clear plan for them. This year, I'd like to give a special friend of mine a quilt made from these fabrics. I'm just having trouble deciding on a pattern. Originally, I had this idea in mind
but I'm not sure which background color would look best. What do you think? Yellow? Black? Tan? Cream? White? I don't know! Alternatively, I was thinking of just thinly sashing the blocks and then using wider borders to bring it up to 60" x 60" (pretend that the one block has 9 squares, not 16.) Any advice is appreciated!