Hello and thank you for stopping in for my block tutorial in the Fabri-Quilt New Block Blog Hop! Fabri-Quilt has generously provided participants with fat eighth bundles to work with and you can win one as well - just visit our host for today:
Terri Ann of Childlike Fascination
As I mentioned in my last post, we were to be inspired by summer and I have been amazed by the blocks created by the fellow members of this hop! The Pinterest Board is filling with loads of cool block tutes.
Please also visit my mates today as they share their new blocks!
Sandra of One Million Stitches
Treasure Hunt
This simple block reminds me of treasure on a map with the big red X marking the special spot and the blues and greens remind me of the ground or forest. The slightly angled sides make the X look like it pops out a little 3D style.
Given my "transition" period with Windows 10 and EQ7, I ended up making this block by 2 different methods.
Watermelon Summer F8 Bundle |
Method 1:
Background (blues/green):
- Cut (4) squares 4½" x 4½"
- Cut (4) rectangles 5" x 4½"
- Subcut into (8) 2½" x 4½" rectangles
Center X (rose):
- Cut (1) square 4½" x 4½"
- Cut (4) squares 1¾" x 1¾”
- Cut (8) squares 2½” x 2½”
· Lay out squares in a pleasing arrangement
On the (4) 1¾” rose colored squares, draw a diagonal line from one corner to the other
· On the blue & green 2½” x 4½” rectangles, on the long side (4½”) measure up 1¾” from the bottom and make a tiny mark.
Draw a diagonal line from that mark to the opposite corner
· The 4 corner squares are simple “stitch & flip.” Place a 1¾" in one corner and pin. Stitch right on the line (or a teeny bit inside the line) - chain piece all 4 blocks. Press and trim ¼” away from stitch line.
· The rectangles are a little different. Line up a 2½“ square with the bottom of a 2½” x 4½” rectangle.
Stitch on the diagonal drawn line. Press to set seam and then press the square away from the rectangle.
In order to nest seams, press 1 toward the rectangle and 1 toward the square.
o At this point, you can trim one of two ways: Flip over so the rectangle is up and use it to trim off the excess rose colored square
OR place rectangle right side up and trim to 2½” x 4½". Then flip the trimmed corner open and trim seam to ¼”.
o Stitch matching rectangles together; nesting seams in the center
· Stitch 9 blocks together in normal 9-patch using a scant ¼” seam – sew into rows and then join the columns.
And you should have a 12½” unfinished Treasure Hunt Block!
Here's how it would look as entire quilt
An alternate colorway really changes the look!
Method 2:
Paper Piecing! Print 4 copies of the template. Ensure that your blocks print out at 4.5" finished.
There are many awesome paper piecing tutorials available for FREE - check these out!
Enjoy! FMT